This Chilean Football Team Walked Onto A Game Holding The Hands Of The Killed Palestinian Children In Gaza

Players from Chilean football club Deportivo Palestino paid tribute to the slaughtered children by walking onto the pitch pretending to be holding their hands.

This Chilean Football Team Walked Onto A Game Holding The Hands Of The Killed Palestinian Children In Gaza

This Chilean football club, Deportivo Palestino, paid tribute to the Palestinian children killed by Israel in its genocide on Gaza by having their players walk onto the pitch pretending to be holding the hands of the slaughtered children.

The incident occurred before the club’s match against Union Espanola on May 24.

Videos shared on social media showed the Chilean players walking onto the pitch pretending to be holding the hands of the killed children and giving them their jackets.

After that, the team members dropped their jackets onto the pitch to envelop the children.

Deportivo Palestino is considered an unofficial Palestinian national team, with many of its players historically coming from Chile's large Palestinian diaspora community, which numbers up to 500,000 people.

The club's colors and logo feature the Palestinian flag and map, and its fans often wave Palestinian flags and chant pro-Palestinian slogans at its matches.

The gesture was part of Deportivo Palestino's long-standing efforts to amplify the Palestinian voices and advocate for their rights.

Earlier in March, during a South American soccer tournament, Palestino fans chanted “From the river to the sea, Palestine will win,” and held posters displaying the message “Stop the genocide” in Spanish.

As a result, local police removed some of the fans from the stadium.

Despite facing sanctions and fines for its political activism, the club is seen as more than just a football team by its Palestinian-Chilean supporters; it represents their identity, heritage, and solidarity with the Palestinian people.

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