Gen Next Creators, The New Media Workshop Series From Almost Education
Designed for students aged 15 to 18, this new workshop series offers both the foundational blocks of news literacy in the digital era, but also practical, hands-on experience in content production.

About The Program
In a world overloaded with content, how do we begin to make sense of the world?
The first of its kind, Gen Next Creators is an all-English immersive learning experience with a lens on all things media brought to you by bilingual social-first outlet, Almost. Designed for students aged 15 to 18, this new workshop series offers both the foundational blocks of news literacy in the digital era, but also practical, hands-on experience in content production.
Participants will have the opportunity to build critical thinking, media literacy and communications skills through interactive learning, alongside industry professionals. The interdisciplinary program also aims to provide students with a global perspective, encouraging them to explore the major topics and issues that are happening around the world and understand their pivotal role in shaping the future.
「明日創造者養成營」是由雙語新創媒體品牌 Almost 全台首創、為 15 歲到 18 歲的青少年量身打造的媒體主題全英文沈浸式學習體驗,旨在奠定青少年數位媒體素養的基石,也引領他們親身參與內容實作的過程。
Who Is It For?
This is suited for students interested in further studies and/or exploring career paths in media and communications, political science, international relations and social studies. By the end of the course, participants will have developed a greater understanding of media, tangible journalism skills and a greater sense of agency in their own learning.
「明日創造者養成營」適合所有未來有意申請新聞、傳播、政治、國際關係、社會科學等科系,或有興趣探索相關職涯領域的 15 到 18 歲青少年。學員將會在課程結束後,對媒體運作和新聞報導技能擁有更深的了解和掌握,並收穫滿滿的學習成果。

The First All-English Camp For Media And Communications
- All-English curriculum to enhance English proficiency and global perspectives
- The building blocks to healthy digital culture and social media consumption
- Engender positive social impact by learning how communicate effectively through media
Creative Student-Centered Learning With Practical Outcomes
- Interdisciplinary program combining theory, hands-on experiences and activity-based learning.
- A balance of collaborative practice with independent learning to foster a holistic learning environment for young leaders
Mentorship And Insights From Industry Experts
- Program designed and led by real journalists and communications experts
- Receive real-world career advice and guidance from cross-disciplinary professionals
- 全英文互動授課,提升英文應用水平和國際視野
- 啟發青少年建立與數位文化和社群媒體之間的健康習慣與關係
- 透過學習運用媒體進行有效溝通,進而解鎖正向社會影響力
多元學習法 + 實際學習成果
- 結合理論解析、實作經驗和互動工作坊的全方位學習體驗
- 為下一代的領袖們打造獨立學習與合作實踐兼具的綜合成長環境
- 由新聞傳播專業人士親自設計充實課程
- 收穫來自跨領域專家的職涯規劃指導和建議