A German Bomb Squad Was Called To Investigate A Grenade In A Forest But It Turned Out To Be A Sex Toy

A bomb squad called to investigate a hand grenade in a forest in Bavaria, Germany, have confirmed that the grenade was in fact a sex toy.

A German Bomb Squad Was Called To Investigate A Grenade In A Forest But It Turned Out To Be A Sex Toy

A bomb squad called to investigate what appeared to be a hand grenade in a forest in Bavaria, Germany, have confirmed that the grenade was in fact a sex toy.

On Monday Apr. 26, a woman who had been jogging in a forest near the city of Passau in Bavaria, Germany, came across what looked like a grenade in a plastic bag.

She reported it to the police, who immediately dispatched a bomb squad to investigate.

However, it turned out to be a false alarm. After carefully examining the bag, officers discovered that it was only a fake plastic grenade.

They also found two unused condoms, an empty bottle of lubricant and a USB cable inside the bag. “An internet search confirmed the suspicions, there are actually hand grenade sex toys,” Hauzenberg Police said in a press release. “How they came to be there and why they remained there can only be imagined.”

Police have since disposed of the items, and the neighborhood is safe.

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