This Namibian Anti-Apartheid Activist And Journalist Says Young People Have The Power To Help Us Achieve Peace

Gwen Lister says she believes that if young people maintain their passion and sense of community and compassion, they will be able to hep us achieve peace.

This Namibian Anti-Apartheid Activist And Journalist Says Young People Have The Power To Help Us Achieve Peace

The young people of today have inherited a world filled with destruction, from the genocide in Gaza to the wars in Ukraine and the African continent, Namibian journalist and anti-apartheid activist, Gwen Lister, told Almost at UNESCO's World Press Freedom Day event in Santiago, Chile.

However, Lister said that she believes that if young people maintain their passion, as well as sense of community and compassion, they will be able to hep us achieve peace.

Lister, who has been jailed multiple times and the target of an assassination attempt by the South African military intelligence for her activism, established the independent newspaper The Namibian in 1985, becoming the first woman editor of a news publication on the African continent.

The Namibian, which promoted Namibian independence from South Africa, was known for exposing the South African government’s human rights violations.

It continues to be one of the most widely read and respected publications in Namibia.

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