All The World News You Need To Know This Week 🌏

Hong Kong's last pro-democracy newspaper closes down, soccer fans protest Hungary's new anti-LGBT law at Euro 2020 and more

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Apple Daily, Hong Kong’s last pro-democracy newspaper has been forced to shut down after authorities last week arrested its top editors and directors and charged them under the national security law for “conspiring to collude with foreign countries or forces to endanger national security”.

  • After police also froze $2.3 million of the company’s assets, the paper said on Wednesday that it will close by Saturday Jun. 26 “out of consideration for the safety of its staff.”
  • One million copies, 10 times more than usual, were printed overnight on Wednesday to mark the paper’s 26-year history. The final edition was headlined “Hong Kongers’ painful farewell in the rain: ‘We support Apple Daily’”
  • Thousands of people lined up to buy the paper, and by 8:30 am, the newspaper was sold out across most of the city’s stands.

Also happening around the world

Laurel Hubbard, a weightlifter from New Zealand, has become the first transgender athlete to compete in the Olympics.

  • Officials on Monday selected Hubbard, 43, to be part of the country’s national team for the Tokyo Games. This will be her first Olympics. She took a break from the sport after breaking her arm at the Commonwealth Games in 2018.
  • While Hubbard is eligible to compete in the Olympics, her participation has caused a controversy, with some saying it is unfair.
  • The International Olympic Committee in 2015 changed its rules to allowing athletes who transition from male to female to compete in the female category, if their testosterone levels are below a certain threshold. Those who transition from female to male can compete in the male category without restriction.

Thousands of people in Poland took part in a pride march in Warsaw to demand an end to LGBTQ discrimination in the country.

More Good News For Your Weekend

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