305 Baby Sea Turtles Have Been Released To Sea In Indonesia After Being Rescued From Poachers
More than 300 baby sea turtles were released into the sea at Ketawai Beach on Bangka Belitung Island, Indonesia, as part of a conservation program.

More than 300 baby sea turtles were released into the sea at Ketawai Beach on Bangka Belitung Island, Indonesia, as part of a conservation program earlier in August.
The baby sea turtles were hatched from eggs that were saved from being sold by poachers by marine police and given to the Alobi Foundation Wildlife Rescue.

The foundation had received 2,287 eggs, helping to hatch 305 of them.

Every night, the staff waited for the baby sea turtles to hatch and then helped them out of the sand by digging with their hands, the foundation said.

Sea turtles are currently categorized as endangered animals, and their population has been declining due to illegal wildlife trading.

“Through this event, we hope that we [will] be able to save more turtles and release them back to their habitat. We also want to encourage people and volunteers to protect the existence of wildlife,” the Alobi Foundation said.

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