This Top Israeli Politician Says Israel Should Control Gaza After The War And He Would Move And Live There

Ben-Gvir said the most important step is “encouraging voluntary emigration of Palestinians” from Gaza, adding that Israel could then reconstruct Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip.

This Top Israeli Politician Says Israel Should Control Gaza After The War And He Would Move And Live There
israel ben gvir gaza after war emigration move

Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has expressed controversial views regarding the fate of Gaza after the end of Israel’s war, advocating for Israel to fully occupy and control the Gaza Strip and encouraging Palestinians to voluntarily emigrate so Israel can establish Jewish settlements in the region.

In an interview with Israeli news outlet Kikar Hashabbat on May 21, Ben-Gvir said that Gaza should be ruled by Israel after the war.

Ben-Gvir said the most important step is “encouraging voluntary emigration of Palestinians” from Gaza, adding that Israel could then reconstruct Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip, according to Middle East Eye.

“If the emigration happens, and hundreds of thousands leave, you’ll be able to bring more and more and more people in,” he said.

Israel had constructed 21 Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip after taking control in the 1967 Middle East war, but the settlements were later dismantled and evacuated in 2005 by Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon.

Ben-Gvir added that he “would love to live in Gaza if possible”.

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