New Zealand Declared A Climate Emergency And Said Its Government Will Be Carbon-Neutral By 2025
New Zealand has declared a climate emergency and pledged to make its government carbon-neutral by 2025.

New Zealand has declared a climate emergency and pledged to make its government carbon-neutral by 2025.
Lawmakers voted 76-43 in favor of the motion, a symbolic move that does not come with new statutory powers or money, on Wednesday. Speaking after the declaration, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said that it was a declaration “based in science” and “an acknowledgement of the next generation.”
The government also launched a new initiative requiring the public sector to become carbon neutral by 2025, measuring, reporting and offsetting their carbon emissions. The initiative involves phasing out the country’s largest and most active coal boilers, purchasing electric or hybrid vehicles to reduce the size of their car fleets and a green standard for public sector buildings, according to Radio New Zealand.
Although the declaration is symbolic and does not come with any new statutory powers or money, Ardern and other lawmakers promised they would back up the declaration with ongoing action, AP reported.
Ardern said New Zealand must “act with urgency” on what she said was one of the greatest challenges of our time. “This declaration is… an acknowledgement of the burden that [the next generation] will carry if we do not get this right and do not take action now,” Ardern said. “It is up to us to make sure we demonstrate a plan for action, and a reason for hope.