A Qatari Police Officer Helped This Ecuador Fan To Create An Arabic Headdress Out Of The Ecuador Flag
A video of a Qatari police officer helping an Ecuador soccer fan to arrange a ghutra and iqal, a traditional Arabic headdress for men, out of an Ecuador in a Doha Metro station has gone viral and captured the hearts of many.

A video of a Qatari police officer helping an Ecuador soccer fan to arrange a ghutra and iqal, a traditional Arabic headdress for men, out of an Ecuador in a Doha Metro station has gone viral and captured the hearts of many.
The moment was captured by 41-year-old Syrian filmmaker Jamal Daood, who was on his way to the World Cup Fan Zone.
Daood, who is usually based in Istanbul, had bought tickets to the World Cup when he was visiting Doha earlier in the year, he told Almost.
“I saw [some] guys from Ecuador doing the ghutra by themselves, and the police guy try[ing] to help them so I filmed [it],” Daood said.
He shared the video on his Instagram, thinking it would just be shared by some of his friends.
The Reel was picked up by Al Jazeera English and has since gained more than 871,000 views.
Daood said he did not expect the video to go viral.
“We are one human family,” Daood said. “Police in everywhere should [be] helping people like that.”
A lot of people loved the video, but many have raised concerns about the Qatari government’s human rights record, in particular its treatment of migrant workers and criminalization of same-sex relationships.