This South African Lawyer Broke Down While Talking About Children In Gaza Under Israel’s Genocide At The ICJ

Adila Hassim visibly choked up and held back tears while talking about the effects Israel's genocide has had on Gaza's children.

This South African Lawyer Broke Down While Talking About Children In Gaza Under Israel’s Genocide At The ICJ

South African lawyer, Adila Hassim, who is a member of South Africa’s legal team suing Israel for committing genocide in Gaza at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), broke down while delivering her speech in the latest hearing.

South Africa has asked the ICJ in The Hague to order Israel to immediately withdraw from Rafah, which Israel began invading at the beginning of May.

On Tuesday May 7, Israel’s military said it had gained “operational control” of the Rafah crossing to Egypt, claiming that the crossing was being used for “terrorist purposes” and blocking humanitarian aid from entering.

In hearings on May 16 and 17, South Africa and Israel each had two hours to make their case on the new request for emergency measures over Israel’s war on Gaza.

South Africa said it returned to the court to stop Israel’s military campaign on Rafah and to “do what it can to stop the genocide”, which had almost “knocked Gaza off the map” and “shocked the conscience of humanity”.

Hassim emphasized that children in Gaza are among those who are suffering the most.

“More than 14,000 have been killed. Thousands more have been injured or lost family members, while an estimated 17,000 children are unaccompanied or separated,” Hassim said, as she visibly choked up and held back tears.

“Nearly all of Gaza's children have been exposed to traumatic experiences, the consequences of which will last a lifetime,” she added.

South Africa also asked the court to order that Israel allow unimpeded access to Gaza for UN officials, organizations providing humanitarian aid and journalists and investigators.

This is the latest request brought by South Africa to the ICJ and is part of its broader ongoing case that accuses Israel of committing genocide against Palestinians.

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