Here’s What Happened Around The World In September 2022

From the death of Queen Elizabeth II to protests calling for justice for Mahsa Amini and Iranian women, it’s been an eventful September.

Here’s What Happened Around The World In September 2022
From the death of Queen Elizabeth II to protests calling for justice for Mahsa Amini and Iranian women, it’s been an eventful September. Take a look back at some of the biggest stories from around the world you may have missed this month.
1. Mahsa Amini, a woman in Iran, died after being arrested by “morality police” over her hijab  and people want justice.
2. Russia illegally annexed a fifth of Ukraine after holding sham referendums in four regions.
3. Queen Elizabeth II, who ruled for 70 years, died at age 96.
4. Italy elected its most far-right government since WWII, with a far-right politician set to become its first woman prime minister.
5. People in Cuba overwhelmingly voted to legalize same-sex marriage in a historic referendum.
6. South Korea held a “space out” competition where people competed to be the most zoned out.
7. A Lebanese woman held up a bank with a toy gun in order to withdraw her own money during an economic crisis.
8. A Thai activist was jailed for two years for dressing up like the Thai queen in a satire fashion show.
9. Officials in the Congo opened a new bridge but it collapsed right after they cut the ribbon.
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