This 14-Year-Old Colombian Climate Activist Says Adults Must Listen To Children To Best Solve The Climate Crisis

“Adults can do a lot for children first if they listen to them.”

This 14-Year-Old Colombian Climate Activist Says Adults Must Listen To Children To Best Solve The Climate Crisis

“Adults can do a lot for children first if they listen to them.”

14-year-old Colombian climate activist, Francisco Vera, told Almost at UNESCO's World Press Freedom event in Santiago, Chile, that the climate crisis is an intergenerational issue of the present that will affect everyone now.

He said that adults should listen to children and create a fair and inclusive energy transition that leaves no child behind.

In 2019, Vera founded the activist group, Guardianes por la Vida (Guardians of Life), made up of children fighting against climate change.

He has also published a children’s book titled “Ask Francisco: What Is Climate Change?” to educate young people about the climate crisis.

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