This Filipino Church Held A Mass Same-Sex Wedding For 29 Couples And It’s Absolutely Beautiful
This is the 13th year the local church has been holding an unofficial LGBTQ mass wedding.

On Jun. 25, a mass wedding ceremony took place in Quezon City, the Philippines, as 29 same-sex couples exchanged vows and celebrated their love.
The event, organized by the LGBTS (Let God Be Thy Savior) Christian Church Inc., was celebrated by around 200 people, including the newlyweds’ families and friends.
The LGBTS Christian Church, established over a decade ago, actively advocates against the misinterpretation of LGBTQ teachings in the Holy Bible by mainstream churches, according to local outlet, the Daily Tribune.

The big day marked not only the 13th annual unofficial LGBTQ mass wedding hosted by the LGBTS church, but also the 23rd anniversary of the nation’s Anti-Discrimination Bill, a pioneering piece of legislation that combats discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression.

“The love we witnessed today like other kinds of love is something everyone should embrace and celebrate,” Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte said in a video message played at the ceremony. “This is why we go the extra mile in Quezon City to make sure we can maintain this culture of inclusivity that accepts and nurtures this kind of relationship.”
Quezon City stands as the sole Filipino city that hosts an annual commitment ceremony for same-sex couples and is also the first to allow same-sex couples to make health decisions for each other.

It was also the first to enact an order for gender fairness, promoting gender equality.
The Philippines is predominantly Catholic and still considers abortion, divorce and same-sex marriage as illegal acts, but its government is currently considering two bills to introduce same-sex unions.