A South Korean Worker Robot Has "Committed Suicide" By Throwing Itself Down The Stairs

Known as the “Robot Supervisor”, it was found shattered at the bottom of a two-meter staircase in the Gumi city council building.

A South Korean Worker Robot Has "Committed Suicide" By Throwing Itself Down The Stairs

A civil servant robot has “committed suicide” in Gumi City in South Korea.

Known as the “Robot Supervisor”, it was found shattered at the bottom of a two-meter staircase in the city council building on June 20.

Photo via X

This is the world’s first reported incident of a robot killing itself.

The robot had started working at the Gumi city council in August 2023, working a nine-hour shift from 9am to 6pm every day.

via Gumi City Council

It had a wide range of duties, including delivering documents, promoting the city and providing information to residents while moving between floors using elevators on its own, a rare capability among robots.

via Gumi City Council

Witnesses reported seeing the robot behaving strangely and “circling in one spot as if something was there” before the incident.

The incident has raised questions about the robot’s workload and the broader implications of integrating robots into everyday tasks.

via Gumi City Council

Some people suggested the robot may have experienced an emotional breakdown due to stress, while others believe a technical malfunction could be to blame.

The Gumi City Council has since paused its robot adoption plans.

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